Thursday, May 23, 2013

May As Well Laugh

this was me last night
when I found out they moved Dad
to another room
without family there...
it was planned moved for later this week
we've had enough issues
with his confusion

 this is how Dad feels

am waiting for the movers to get here
moving my big cupboards
and wool racks
can get them organized
before the final move
June 10

I will probably be sleeping on
Mom's couch a few nights
before I move...

I have 5 days off starting Sat
so can be there
in the late afternoon/early evening
when she is most confused...

Dad is motivated to eat more
(lost 30 # in 2 months)
and try harder at therapy
with this move to a long term room
may just be the kick in the butt
that will work
now that he is feeling better!

hugs my friends


  1. Kelley, just know that you sharing your struggle is helping some of us with similar issues, just know that the cat pictures bring some humour into our lives too, just know we care and are sharing the journey with you. Hugs!

  2. It is shame you couldn't be there, but good that he is in a better room. I hope you can get some time to yourself too, just a few hours having fun once in a while to give your brain a break;)


  3. Hi, Kelly,
    I always read and understand what you are going through with your parents, I went thru it too with my Dad and know how difficult it is with you. You are so strong, and I love your funny cat pictures used to describe what people are feeling. My mom is now 86, so I will probably be dealing with this again.
    Hugs to you,

  4. Think of you often kelley and check your blog. Hope your dad will do better now. Glad you can be with your mom now and hope things will settle down for you soon. All this has to be rough.

  5. Kelley ~
    Thinking of you...
    Hugs :)

  6. Thanks for sharing -- I'm going through the same issues with my mom.

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
