Friday, May 24, 2013

This Boat

I am always saddened to hear
of others in this same boat
I know
 from working
in the hospital
 just how 
common this is...

I do try to find some joy
in each day...
today it was Mom
being amazed by all the wool
I stacked on the shelves
she says she'll
never need to shop again

it's only the tip of the iceburg


  1. That is so cute, she is in quilters heaven;)
    I think you will be a big help to her and get her interested in doing things again. I was thinking that you could have her make small pillows and things that you can give out at christmas, maybe pillow door hangers to give to other residents when you visit your dad.


  2. What a great suggestion, from Debbie. Was thinking how much fun it can be to sit and talk with another who loves the same things as we do...

    Bless you again for being your Dad's advocate. Better two Crabby Appletons in one room, they might actually enjoy each others company!
