Monday, June 10, 2013

A Few More Days

image from Pinterst 
it was about a 5 mile ride from my
old house to Mom and Dad's...
the cats acted carried on so much
they will be hoarse for days
after a little exploring they've been hiding
all day
     there is still work to do
on the old place
a little painting
more to donate
need to wrap it up
by Weds night



  1. WOW! This move seems to have happened quickly. I'm sure you will breathe a sigh of relief when Wednesday is done. As long as you are there, the furbabies will adjust quickly.
    Hugs :)

  2. You did a lot in a short time, almost over.


  3. Xo! Will be needing your new address! Holding you up in thoughts and prayers!!

  4. Been wondering how you were doing, thanks for the update. You'll be settled in soon.

  5. Hope you get settled in to your new home & back to doing what you love soon! Wishing your kitties new adventures>...

  6. Hope you've met those goals, have slept well at least one night, but hopefully both nights. Sometimes, it seems like everything is playing at double time, and in slow motion at the same time. Just keep putting your foot forward, and move toward the peace and quiet, that will suddenly surprise you! Hugs, prayers, and positive energy hurtling toward you, my dear buddy pal!
