Thursday, June 6, 2013

Counting Down

     only a few more days and I'll be moved in with Mom...her house is being over run with baskets full of this and that...things that aren't easy to pack in a box...

Tuesday the truck from ReStore arrived...with one stop before me the truck was nearly empty....good thing because between oak dressers, painted wood benches and box upon box of prim goodies there was barely room for the old Singer sewing machine in it's started out as grandma Pansy's treadle then eventually my sister had it converted to longer works but am sure someone will find a use for it...

for sure I don't miss a thing...treasures from family/friends are making the only allowing myself a few things to store away...downsizing to the essentials for creating and two cats who have no clue at the changes about to happen...

am posting this from my Kindle...barely know how to use new desktop has Windows 8 that is going to take some time the meantime I've been keeping up with a few blogs...and napping every second I can...

a question for you...what black flannel have you used for wool applique?  Mom thinks she's ready to start stitching...


  1. Bless your heart. I hope all goes well and this new adventure brings all kinds of riches to you and your Mom

  2. How wonderful mom wants to stitch! It will help occupy her time.
    I'm sure ReStore appreciated your donations. I gave much of my mom's stuff to them.
    Hugs for a smooth final move :)

  3. It is nice to declutter and now you can start making some new things;) I am glad to hear that your mom is getting back into stitching and it will be nice to sit and stitch with her.


  4. I've used a beautiful
    , not too thin, Moda black flannel. It almost looks like felted wool. You may have to search for it or maybe email Moda for where to buy.

  5. Hi, how sweet your Mom will stitch too, wonderful....always good to declutter, problem is I buy more...:). Francine.

  6. Check out flannel by Primitive Gathering's called Wool & Needle, i've used the Geometric Raven color & I love how it looks when stitched on with wools!

  7. I imagine the things will have no trouble finding new homes. Yet again, your inspire admiration ... Giving away the things you have gathered because you loved them. But they will bring joy to others, and no doubt, your parents home has many equally lovely things.

    I've been thinking about you all day, since the 10th was your projected moving day. Tonight you'll have a bed, and probably a couple of snuggle buddies, at least on the bottom of the bed or under it... Sweet dreams and doodles!

  8. God Bless her little heart.
    When all else is forgotten, will be still be able to hook? Never really thought about this before.

    I'm cheering your mom (and you) go girls.
