Saturday, June 1, 2013


almost back to the Internet...
wireless is hooked up so laptop and kindle
are a go at Mom's...
desktop will be installed Weds
I thought it would be ready for last week
oh well, it's progress
right now the folks are doing fine
thanks for your comments and emails...
I do appreciate your thoughts and prayers!


  1. Kelley,
    Thinking of you and glad to hear your folks are doing ok. Take care my friend. Big hugs, Lori

  2. I hope things start to smooth out for you and yours. Glad you will be back to your blog in full glory.

  3. Happy to read your parents are doing well. It's funny that I an remember a time before computers and I wondered why anyone really needed on when there was the phone or letters. Byut oh boy do I miss mine when it needs to go to the shop and don't want to live without one.


  4. I imagine you actually know that Debbie's grandson(I think) has arrived!

    Glad your parents are doing okay, and hope that continues on for weeks or months.

    I finally did a blog post myself, and blogger had changed so much I could barely find my way in... All the changes to make things "better" wear one out. But as always gotta move with the times or get left behind.

    Hope all goes well with the kitties during the move! Jonut
