Tuesday, June 18, 2013


a very awful week is over

this one has had one tearless day

so far

each day is a challenge with mom

I know she is struggling to hang on

hoping her next Dr visit

will provide a change in meds

to help with her anxiety and anger

# # # # #

Dad hasn't had any good news health wise

so it's been wildly overwhelming

I need help and have no one to turn to...

each day I get a little farther behind

I did manage to do something for myself

in April I ordered some new clothes 

for summer...

today I made time to open the package!

if  you don't hear from me often you know why

I am sure missing the comfort

of hooking and stitching


  1. Kelley ~
    You are a wonderful daughter!!! There will be a special place in heaven for you. How lucky your mom and dad are to have you to help. I know it's hard on you, but you will never have any regrets.
    Hugs :)

  2. I wish I lived closer so I could help you out, but you can only do your best and take the time for yourself too. You have gone above and beyond to help your parents and be there for them and you should take comfort in that fact and just take each day as it comes.


  3. Ohhhh, Kelley Girl. I am praying for you.

  4. I am so sorry for the stress and illness you are dealing with thinking of you

  5. You are never alone...you have many friends online who wish you daily strength.

  6. Kelley,
    It is so hard right now but you hang in there. Hoping everything settles down soon and all are feeling much better before long!

  7. That banner at the top definitely describes Meshe's routine SEVERAL times a day,except the part about attacking mommy afterwards!!!!
    I know how you feel. And yup there's MANY people that care about us,but they aren't with us,are they?? Would make a difference.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your folks. I am sorry you have so much on your plate and hope it gets better for you.

    Call an agency for the aging in your area and they will offer you help based on your income. meals, transportation, etc.

  9. Dear Kelley .... I feel for you. It is such a load to bear by yourself. I so wish I could do a little something to lighten the burden. You are such a loving daughter, that is so apparent !!!
    Is there any way Medicare would cover adult day care or a home health aide just for a respite for you ???
    We all love you and will be praying for some peace in your life.

  10. A friend says "this too shall pass" but it's hard when you're in the middle of it. It would be good to have a sibling to share this with, for sure. That Area on Aging suggestion might be something to look into ~ it sounds like you could use some help. Thinking of you ~ Alice

  11. I can feel the outcry in your written words.
    Your parents are so fortunate to have you by their side.
    Only look at what is on your plate for the day.
    This is a very rough "season" of life which you are finding your way through.
    Praying for you.

  12. Sorry I've been away from your blog so long. Finishing up a gift for a wedding, had me stitching away on finishing with only an hour or so to wrap gift, shower dress etc. a different kind of stress, than what you are working through.

    I did keep you in prayer, but I know comments on your blog, are the best way for those of us so far away to let you know you are never really alone. Hugs!
