Thursday, June 20, 2013

Each Day


I am able to spend a few minutes
with my laptop
early in the morning & late a night

the cats
especially Olivia see this as the
perfect time for attention

works for me too

saw this photo 
and had to share
this looks so much like Olivia
with the garden bench
that was inside for a few years...

photo of  little Cheri quilt
found on Pinterest
a great sentiment to remember...

with Mom I'm working for
small pleasures each day

* new Minnick and Simpson book arrived yesterday
she's enjoying the photos
as well as the fact that it has
both English and French writing

* the perfect new pattern
Log Cabin Garden
The Woolen Willow
arrived Monday
today she was happy to see me
making plastic templates for the applique
will help with fabric selection tomorrow
wish me luck on getting her stitching

* the cats are becoming 
much more comfortable with Mom
especially Melrose
who rolls around at her feet
begging for treats or petting

Praying that she can adjust
to all these changes soon
because I might know the hateful things  
she says to me aren't true
hearing her say what an awful daughter I am
with endless examples
does take its toll


  1. Kelley,
    Congratulations on taking that step to take care of those who once cared for you. With both parents now 90, I wonder how much long I will have them and how they will handle the problems old age can bring.
    Read that Jacque Anderson is moving back to her home town to be closer to her ailing mother.
    I keep both of your families in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Sending hugs to you and mom. It's not easy!!!

  3. It is hard and they take it out on the ones they love, but it is nothing personal, that is the hard thing to remember, but it is her illness causing her behavior. I hope you can find peace in the fact that you are a wonderful daughter and there for her and your dad.


  4. Kelley, I understand what you are going through. We are in the same situation with our Mother. She can no longer discern the difference between hurtful comments and kind loving comments. It is so very difficult, but please take some comfort in knowing that it has nothing to do with your is the illness.

    Praying for you.

  5. Thinking of you ~ being a caregiver isn't for sissies!!

  6. My prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Words can hurt or they can heal. I hope this time passes with a minimum of hurt to you. Perhaps the kats will bring transformation along with them.

    When you grocery shop, look for individual sized servings that can be put in another dish if mama needs china to be happy. They add variety, flavor, and nutrition easier. Delmonte makes diced pears with vanilla and spices that we both enjoy, especially after they are refrigerated.
    Jello and pudding in sugar free varieties are good too.

    Once things settle down, remember that one of the great things about hooking is you CAN do it every day. Hook just a couple of worms, each night before bed, and you'll sleep better. It isn't selfish, it is preventative medicine. Eventually, you may rediscover that 30 minutes for rug hooking daily. And decide to use it for stitching, or oak ing in a tub!

  8. Hope you'll soak in the tub, nut oak it in! ;)
