Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gameboards Again

great shade of red

something about the round games
have been attracting me
maybe I need a dart board

and some vintage darts

more of that perfect
tomato red
wonder about the original shade


tomorrow is my day off
nothing on the schedule
besides visiting Dad early morning
then late afternoon
taking Mom to farm market
we have watermelon and Lodi apples to buy

then home for more phone calls
to track down assets

I'm working on getting Medicaid
for Dad
$7000+ a month
really empties your savings

at minimum I need 
a haircut/color
a visit to the eye Dr
car needs oil change
probably brakes
(5 years old)
cats need shots

mind you 
I am not complaining
just using the blog to keep track
and share with others
the life of one caretaker

maybe if it was just one person 
needing my attention
it would be doable
at the rate I'm going 
I'll be useless before September


  1. That is a lot to come out of pocket.
    I like the colors in the first and the design elements and colors on the last one.


  2. The game boards are all very cool. I have sold a couple from my booth, but they weren't anywhere near this cool!

    You are a great daughter. I'm sure your Mom & Pop tell you that all the time! <3

  3. Kelley, You may be tired, but never useless. Dealing with caring for one aging/ill parent is difficult - two is too much for one loving child. I hope you can find a support group or friend who can help you with this. Please don't let things overwhelm you. Even hiring some help with some tasks could be a huge blessing.

    You are on my prayer list.
    Hugs, Linda

  4. Kell:
    Again I say what a wonderful daughter you are. Thank God your parents have you.
    Wish some of us were closer.....we sure would jump in and help.....all we can do is hug you and praise you from afar!

  5. I for one would try to help you at least once a week. Sadly, Houston is too far for more than prayers, thoughts of positive energy, and the heart held belief that God will bring you through this. Hugs! Jo
