Thursday, July 18, 2013

Stash Addition

this weekend there is a local
quilt show
with plenty of vendors

though my stash has been neglected
for some time now
it only seems right
to plan on bringing
home a few fat quarters
or yards

Mom is excited to go
the newspaper ran photos
from the last show in 2011...
this one promises to be even better!

we've had a few good good days
this week
Dr appointments went well
Mom and the cats are
resigned to cat jail
Dad has walked a few times..
not far
with the balance bars
but it's progress

Sad news too
Mom's older sister
passed away today
Aunt Ruth loved to do handiwork
she had to have created
more than Mom and I combined

way back when
we did craft shows together...
many times we girls
would take off to
visit quilt shops and craft shows

We are waiting to tell Mom
I can do it in the morning
then hoping someone else
Will be able to spend some time
with her while I'm at work


  1. Kelley,
    So sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing. Hoping your Mom will be okay after hearing the news. You take of yourself dear and do add to that stash a little ( or a lot if you find some great ones!)
    Big hugs!!
    Cathy G

  2. So glad you have some positive things to put on your list! And very sorry about your aunt's passing ~ that will be hard to tell your mom. You will find the right words, I'm sure.

    Where is the quilt show? There is one here in Mansfield this weekend ~ I went once and the quilts are beautiful!! That should lift your spirits for sure!,

  3. Morning Kelly, so sad, hope all goes well for you, Hugs Francine.

  4. Condolences to you and your mom, on your Aunt Ruth's passing. I sometimes wonder, if my sis and I will ever be physically together again. We'll probably crack at least one of each other's ribs in a giant bear hug when we do.

    I hope that it won't be a sad task you have to repeat. My granny couldn't remember my grandpa's passing, and asked where he was.

    Hope you enjoyed the quilt show!
