Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pinterest Finds

this morning I spent a few minutes on 
the best place for mind numbing diversion

this piece is by a Welsh artist
wish there had been more information

imagining those drawers
filled with a bit of my worm collection

this is going on my someday list
think I already have the baskets

Mom is having more confusion today
every day is different
as long as she doesn't get upset or too anxious
it's a good day

Dad is another story
not looking forward to the bad news for him
at the wound clinic tomorrow...
during the MRI attempt yesterday
he said no more tests...just amputate
by this morning he forgot saying that
no way do I want to try and explain
the consequences of that to the both of them

As for me...
Melrose cracked me up today 
wandering the garage rafters
unable to figure out how to get down quickly
when Olivia and I called him for treats...
she knows she doesn't get any without him
so she puts her paws on the side of the car
meowing up to him

The little things get me through each day


  1. If I put worms in all those little drawers, they would probably live there forever!
    Love the kitty rug in your previous post.
    Hang in there. I will keep you all in my prayers.
    Hugs :)

  2. The little things keep me going too!

  3. It might be fun sorting all your little worms into baskets!

    I like to keep a bunch of mine for current projects into a large bowl or bag. :)

    Funny to think how memory problems could actually have been a bad thing one day, and a good thing another. Much of life is ironic.

    Buddy, your cats are better trained than ours. Bob and Buttercup except "a treat" for a song. ;)

    Gonna email you soon, was thinking about you lots.

  4. Kelley,
    Pinterest is a wonderful diversion...love those photos! Those kitties are so smart... and keep us smiling! Keeping you close in thought and prayers my friend... so glad to see you posting too!
    Cathy G

  5. Love that quilt, great finds. I sure hope everything goes well tomorrow.


  6. Can't you just hear Olivia saying "Get your butt down here right now Melrose and I mean it"

    Love the cabinet with all the drawers.


  7. Love the storage pictures !
    So fun.

  8. Kelley Girl...I am so glad that you do have those little things. You need them...even if only momentarily. Thank you for sharing your Pinterest finds. xo
