Saturday, July 27, 2013

This Week

another long week
but a better week

Mom is really enjoying Melrose
sitting at the table
his nose and eyes peeking
up at her

especially in the morning
with milk on her cereal

she is an easy mark

all they have to do is
give her the look

with no little varmits
in the garage 
Olivia will dash out for a
quick look around

then back in to the house
to sleep in the middle of Mom's bed
or her reclining chair
where she poses like a
I really need to get a photo

another cat version of me 

it is getting better
though my patience is worn thin
with everyone
except my parents
or when I'm at work


some highlights of the week:

Dad turned 90 on Monday
he's having therapy again...getting better at transferring
( from bed to chair and vice versa )

his biopsy went well
we get results at our Monday appointment

Mom has been enjoying car rides
especially went it includes a stop
for homemade ice cream

three scoops in a waffle cone !


  1. I am glad things are settling down and it is wonderful that your mom can enjoy your kitties, pets can be the best calmer. I understand about patience, elderly and kids need it, the rest need to understand that;)


  2. Oh boy it has been while since I've had ice cream, and my fav was in a waffle cone as well.

    Am glad this week was a little less stressful. Take a deep breath and keep on going on. Grab a little personal pleasure for yourself every once in a while.



  3. Kelley Girl...Obviously, your sense of humor remains intact. Praying for and thinking of you. xo

  4. Three scoops???? Now that IS an adorable post! God love her lil heart!!!!!!
    Love the cat stories. Can just see your moms enjoyment thru your eyes. Who wouldn't love one of your kitties??????
    You are so lucky! A 90 year old dad. My dad was gone at 49. You are really blessed, even when you are pulling your hair out!

  5. cute kitty photos, love their expressions, hugs and blessings to your folks and esp. to you.
