Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Home Again

guess who came home today???
Mom says this is the best welcome home gift...
Melrose sleeping next to her
broken hip
first time ever he did that with her
or anyone but me for that matter!
he spent a lot of time fussing with her...
getting up on her chair at the kitchen table
(while she was in it)
generally keeping an eye on her
Olivia was her normal self
she'd look around the corner for a while
zoom through the room
then back to peeking at us
from behind furniture...
physical therapy at home will start soon
as soon as tomorrow
she is doing very good with walking
and remembering
what she is not allowed to do
no bending over
no twisting
no crossing her legs
I've been getting more rest
eating healthier
and generally decompressing
working on lowering my blood sugar
with more exercise - less stress
using Lumosity brain games
for some mental exercise
Dad is having a rough time...
he did get fitted for a new wheelchair today
he has very long legs
so none of the miserable chairs at the facility
work good for him
I got to choose the colors...
the frame is yellow
seats are black
Why you might ask?
his first new car was a 1965 Buick Skylark
V8 engine
yellow body - black roof
I have many wonderful memories of that car
the wheelchair will be a real conversation piece


  1. sounds like everyone is having more positive days.....that's good

  2. Glad to hear that you are making some time to take care of you.

  3. Hey Kelley...I am so happy that your mom is is Melrose, apparently. Love the choices you made for your dad's wheelchair...that ought to be fun! And, so glad that you are taking care of yourself. xo

  4. Awwww, how sweet Melrose is keeping a close eye on your mom. I'm sure that makes her feel pretty good too. Pets are such good medicine. I'm glad she is doing so well and you are taking better care of yourself Kelley. I hope the new wheel chair is better for your dad. How thoughtful you are to think of his car. Keeping you all in my prayers.
    Love & hugs, Lori

  5. what a sweet picture of melly and mama ~ they just 'know' when to be there for us, don't they?
    can't wait to see that humdinger of a wheelchair!
    Blessed be

  6. Glad to hear your mom is home. Bet your dad will like the new wheelchair colors too.

  7. I am happy to see your mom is settling in and hopefully she will take it easy. Kitties just know when you need a little extra love and attention. The last few days Moki has been laying near me and watching me, now that i feel better he is back to his old spot.


  8. I am playing blog catch-up. So happy to hear you were able to take a leave of absence. You have to take care of yourself to be their for your parents.
    Good that mom is home and dad will be getting new wheels.
    LOVE the church pics in the last post, especially the first one.
    Hugs :)

  9. Oh Kelley,
    That is so sweet how Melrose is watching over your Mom! Such good news that she is doing well and following all the Dr.'s orders. That new wheel chair for Dad sounds pretty snazzy!
    And you my dear keep up the good work taking care of everybody and yourself especially!!
    Keeping you in thought and prayers!!
    Cathy G

  10. So happy that yor mom is doing so well, and hope your dad improves as well. Best wishes for you and your lifestyle changes toward better health!

    Still praying for your family, Kelley.

    Hugs, Linda

  11. what a sweet companion for your mom ~ one always feels so special when a cat deigns to sit with one! so happy mom is home and doing well ~ prayers and good thoughts for your dad, for mom and for you!


  12. Our fur babies watch over us---just like we try to watch over them our kats took me on in shifts for my first hip replacement. Lol

    Sleep, healthy food, and back to your regular routine are all good signs that things are leveling out. Your dad will definely be turning heads with his new ride! Sweet!
