Friday, September 6, 2013

Odds and Ends...

photos have nothing to do with the post
I just happen to like
images of churches

for various reason
I've taken over doing the laundry for the folks
I've washed more Kleenex in the
past few weeks
than you can imagine
I'll never learn

Mom was going to be discharged tomorrow
but we appealed for more time
we need her as strong
as can be before she comes home
she didn't complain when I told her
so she must be a little scared too
no matter how much she hates
the wretched
(and it is)
reclining chair in her room
I am finally taking care of me
it was get a leave of absence from work
to get my blood sugar, blood pressure
and mental health back in order
or end up
in the hospital myself


  1. Thunderous applause for your decision to take a leave of need it.

    I know what you mean about the kleenex! My Mom puts everything from paper table napkins to rings to candy bars in her pockets.

    Hope you can have a little less stress with the time off work. Take care.

    Hugs, Linda

  2. oh Kelley Girl...I am so very happy that you are taking a leave of absence. Love the church photos. xo

  3. Kelley,
    Yes! So glad to hear you are taking care of Kelley! Taking time off work sounds like the right decision. Life's just too short to endure so much stress.
    Your header photo is awesome... I think I need to be thinking about some winter designs!
    Hope things keep going good for both parents now!
    Cathy G

  4. Glad to hear you are taking time to take care of you!

  5. OMG, Kelley I'm SO happy to hear you have taken a leave of absence to take care of YOU (first and foremeost) and family.

    PLEASE take time to hook. To ME, that is what reduces my BP.

    However, when my mother got sick I also took a leave of absence and stayed with her for a couple weeks. However, during that time also worked on my craft which mother enjoyed seeing and I enjoyed doing.

    I'm watching your blog and checking in.


  6. Yes, Kelley, make sure to take care of YOURSELF! I have heard from health professionals how often it is that the caretake gives out.

  7. Nice church photos, love the idea of using them in artwork too.


  8. Love the church photos, they are so calming.

  9. Taking a leave was a good choice. Sleep, eat right, drink milk and water, v8 and coffee ot tea. Hydrate your body, hook some wool, dance in the moonlight, (even if it is only in your dreams). Breathe deeply and Carry On!

    We will continue to yell encouragement from the sidelines, but you are in the midst of a huge challenge. Know most especially that God is taking care of all of this, however it seems. Doing your best in troubling times, speaks so clearly about your gratitude for life, even if you are grateful and crying. <3

  10. A leave of absence is a very good thing !
    Your church pics are lovely and calming. ;)
    LOVE your new banner !

  11. Simply thrilled to read that you are taking care of YOU for a change. Relax and hook. Your BP will come down automatically.
    Loved all the churches. I love looking at old white churches!!!!!!

  12. hooray for you, kelley! i'm so glad to hear that you are finding a way to care for yourself ~ you are sooo worth it!

    churches and old school houses... what could be more charming? :~>

    take care, my friend.

