Thursday, November 7, 2013

Celebrating Dad

Dad passed away
a little after midnight today
his suffering is over
I was by his side
at the end
Mom is sleeping still
no need to wake her to tell her
the days ahead
will be difficult
We will celebrate his life


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your dads passing. I pray that God will give you strength and comfort for the days ahead. I am sure it was a comfort to have you by his side.
    Blessings, Patti

  2. So sorry for your loss. Will keep you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is never easy, losing a spouse after so many years would be even harder I think. Praying for you and your mom and wishing you warm memories.

  4. Kelley, peace to you and your mom. You are a wonderful daughter.

  5. Dearest Kelley,
    Thinking of you and your mom and sisters. I know the days ahead will be difficult. I hope remembering all the wonderful times over the years will comfort you. May the Lord lift you up and give you peace in your time of need. Much love and prayers, Lori

  6. My heart aches for you ,it is so hard to loose a parent. You have been such a supportive , strong daughter, take care....we all are thinking of you during this very sad time.

  7. oh, Kelley Girl. My heart is with you at this time. Prayers continue for you and your Mom. xo

  8. My heart breaks for you, prayers for you and your family, Big Hugs Francine.

  9. I am so sorry. Wishing you strength for the coming days. God Bless you and your family.

  10. you have been so strong and such a wonderful daughter. I pray that all will find peace and comfort knowing your beloved Dad is whole again ~ Remember to talk to him often....they listen to us.
    blessed be, my sweet friend ~

  11. Sending my condolences Kelley. Wishing you peace, endless days of warm memories to sooth your heart and the love of family.

  12. deepest sympathies Kelley...praying you will receive all the strength you need in the days ahead

  13. May your wonderful Dad rest in peace and his life be celebrated with Joy! Strength to you especially Kelley and to your family. Wish I could be there to hug you and your Mom...
    Sending love and prayers!!
    Cathy G

  14. So sorry for the loss of you dear father. Hopefully the fond memories will help you thru this tough time. Just remember that he is no longer suffering and is residing in his Father's House.

    God bless you and your mother.


  15. I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your mother. My heart breaks for your mother a part of her departed with your dad. I know you are exhausted , you are truly a testimony to compassion.

  16. I am so very sorry for your loss!You and your family have been constantly in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be in the days to come.You are such a wonderful daughter and I know it was a comfort to your Dad to have you with him at the end.Big hugs,Jen

  17. LOve and Blessings to you and all your loved ones during this period...<3

  18. I'm so so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing.

  19. Peace and blessings to you and your Mom at this difficult time.

  20. Kelley, I am so very sorry to hear about your dear Dad. You and your Mom are in my prayers. I know that he is VERY proud of you and all you did for him and he knows that you Mom is in the best of hands. God bless..........

  21. So very sorry, Kelley... prayers and hugs for you and your Mom in the days ahead...

  22. So sorry for your loss Kelley. ..... Your Father was blessed to have such a faithful caring daughter , and I know your presence made his passing peaceful. I'm praying the news isn't too hard on your Mom. Peace to you both.

  23. Dear Kelley-
    I am thinking of you, your mom and your sisters. May God give you all a extra measure of strength to get through the days and weeks ahead. Your dad was so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring daughter. There is a song by Natalie Grant, "Held" that has brought much comfort to me in difficult times. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Love and Hugs - Pam

  24. God bless and comfort you Kelley...what a blessing you are..

  25. Blessings to you and your dear are a wonderful daughter.....

  26. There are no words to say how deeply I feel for your loss of your dad, just that I am with you in spirit and always here if you need me.


  27. Preciou in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Hugs, may you find rest, as you are able. So heartily sorry for your loss.

  28. My sympathies to you and your family.

  29. I've read your blog for a while now, and one thing is certain .... you have been a good and faithful daughter. May God's grace surround you and give you peace.

  30. He is in a better place now, he has just gone ahead....peace and strength be yours in the days ahead.

  31. I am glad your father is at peace. Death can be such a release. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom. Mary A

  32. So sorry to hear about the loss of your father but I know that he IS in a better place without suffering and pain. Take care of yourself and your mother - you are a good daughter for being there for both your parents.

  33. This is so sad to hear.
    I am glad you were with your Dad.
    I will be praying for your Mom, you and family.

  34. so sorry to hear about your Dad. I know how hard it is. I lost my sweet Daddy in January. May he Rest In Peace.

  35. Kelley,
    I am so sorry. I will keep you and your Mom in my prayers.
    You have been the most wonderful daughter/caregiver. You Dad is smiling down on you.

  36. I'm so sorry for your loss, Kelley. My prayers are with you and your Mom.

    Hugs, Linda

  37. my thoughts are with you Kelley, I understand and hope that you are able to help your mother through this difficult journey

  38. I'm so sorry, Kelley. Sending you good wishes and kind thoughts. My sympathy to both you and your mom and the rest of your dad's family.

  39. Kelley, I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. My heart goes out to you and your family. Maria

  40. Kelley,

    I was sad to read of the passing of your Dad, but he is no longer suffering. Thoughts and prayers for you, your Mom and family.

  41. Kelley, so sorry to hear about your dad, thinking of you and your family!!

  42. so sorry for your loss, my heart aches for your family.....

  43. My thoughts are with you during this most difficult time. Hugs across the miles of ocean that separate us.

  44. oh, kelley...i just saw this...i am so sorry about your dad; you have been through so much lately...
    big hugs to you (((((())))))


  45. Kelley - I haven't been online much lately so just saw this post. So sorry to hear about your dad, but you have the right idea - celebrate his life and make it meaningful!

  46. The love and care you gave your dad and are giving your mom, speak so eloquently of what your family means to you. Celebrate indeed! Hugs...
