Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So Blessed

Dad and Mom
early 1948
a few months after they met
and before they married
We are so blessed that there was a bed at
Hospice House for Dad
I stayed overnight
his care has been beyond
Mom is not dealing
with reality too well right now
when she is with him she gets it
but once she comes home
she forgets
another sort of blessing
thanks so much for your kind
prayers and thoughts
it will be a true blessing when he passes
he has been in much pain
the past few days
during the middle of the night he
woke up and spoke
about his love for Mom
mumbled yes
but clear as a can be to my ears


  1. Dearest Kelley,
    The love your family has known will prove to be a blessing in the difficult days ahead.
    Prayers and hugs...
    Cathy G

  2. Kelley Girl...I missed commenting on your last post...but I want you to know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. xo

  3. That is such a sweet photo and you can their love for each other. I wish I could be there for you and prayers that your dad find peace.


  4. I am praying for you and your mom and dad, Kelley.
    Hugs, Linda

  5. You and your family are in my prayers. I know you hate to see your Dad in so much pain.

  6. blessed are your parents...may God give you strength for the road ahead. Be assured that you have an extended family in all of us and our thoughts and prayers are continually with you and your family.

  7. Such a sweet picture. Stay strong my dear friend and know that many prayers are going up to heaven for all of you. Big hugs, Lori

  8. I've been following your blog for a while but haven't commented. I'm so sorry for all the challenges you've been facing lately with both parents struggling. Blessings to you and to them. The photograph of your parents is what brought me to your blog to leave a comment. It touches my heart. There is such love and joy in their faces.

  9. kelley... all my thoughts, all my prayers are with you and your mom and your whole family. i am so thankful that your mom has a respite when she forgets... hoping, praying that your dad finds relief from his pain.


  10. Kelley, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. The picture of your mom and dad says so much.
    Hugs, Ginger
