Saturday, November 30, 2013

Stitching Saturday

hand piecing
the log cabin blocks
so easy and peaceful

Van Gogh

yep yep yep

you know I love nine patch blocks
but these are
calling to me now

Mom has some applique to do
so she is a happy girl!
I made peanut butter cookie dough
before going to work yesterday
so she and Cara (caregiver)
could make the cookies...
ha...she was stitching
so Cara got to bake and do the dishes
Mom was happy to sample the cookies though...
 little every day joys
that ease our grieving


  1. I have not read your blog in weeks. I am very sorry to hear of your loss, and yet you do find time to share wonderful pictures and tidbits of your cats with those of us out here. I have been reading (I almost said lurking but that sounds stalker-ish) since Olivia was tiny, maybe even before, I remember her sleeping in your wool. I have read and said prayers, I am sure there are many more out here like me. And smiled, you have made me smile, thank you for that. I love cats and peanut butter cookies. Thank you for sharing.

  2. My machine decided to go wonky again and won't stop making nests, so gave up and got my new Juki out. She was easy to set up and wind the bobbin and everything is marked for threading, so able to sew on the binding. Very good Birthday present;)


  3. Sounds like you have some peace in your life. I'm happy for that. xo

  4. love that header photo, hugs and blessings to your mom stitching! you are a very good daughter, sweet hugs to you as well.
