Friday, December 6, 2013

Decorating Delayed

a certain cat in our house
decide to eat the small artificial Christmas tree
as we were attempting to assemble it
knowing that if he ate it
another little cat would too
we put it back in the box
out to the shelf in the garage
alternate plans are being made
but who knows
maybe our only decorations
will be outside this year
on the bright side...
Mom loves her new red barn coat from LL Bean
there's been some stitching done every day
peanut butter cookie recipe a huge success
I have 6 days off after work tonight


  1. I so hope you enjoy your 6 days off and find time to do something for you.

  2. Good for you, Kelley...enjoy your days off. We had a cat that pulled our big 7 1/2 ft tree down....not once but twice years ago. My husband had to tie the tree to a bolt in the wall! Now our cats just like to lie under the tree...they think they're outside! Have fun stitching!

  3. oh, naughty Melrose! Better safe than sorry, hey? Glad you have some time off. Time to regroup and relax. Thinking of you this holiday season. xo

  4. Mine are already at it too, they like to pull the needles off the fake greenery and the berries, so letting them know they cannot do it, at least when I am watching, lol. My decorations are a mix of this and that, but good enough, lol.

