Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Praying as always
that today will be a day of peace
for Mom
there are so many moments
with Mom that are good
when I call her in the morning
or turn the corner to her room
her delight in hearing me
see me
fill my heart to overflowing
something so simple
means so much to her
much of the time
looking at fabric from a friend
chocolate from the best local maker
a foot rub with "fancy" lotion
tacos from Taco Bell
(that still cracks me up)
our Christmas this year will not be
jolly and gay
losing Dad
Mom aching to come home
but we will be good
Wishing all my friends
a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Wishing you and your mother all the peace and holiday spirit you can conjure up. Wonder if a spritzer of a holiday scent in the room might lift her spirits. Make some by bringing some cloves and cinnamon sticks to a boil and put in a spray bottle.

    Or, I even love smelling those cinnamon pinecones you find this time of year at Walmart or craft stores. Hmm, that is unless that would depress her even more. Dang girl, you need a hug.


  2. Oh I LOVE Saundra's comment! The smell of cinnamon and clove is so comforting! You tell your Mom there is a hug coming all the way from Wisconsin! And a big one for you too Kelley... the spirit of Christmas will find you as I have a sneaking suspicion it already has!!
    Peace and prayers for speedy healing!!
    Cathy G

  3. Holding you both in our thoughts and prayers ~
    wishing you both a sweet & peaceful Christmas...

  4. So many loving thoughts and wishes for you and your Mom. xo

  5. Wishing you love and peace this Christmas.

  6. Kelley,
    Praying for His peace and joy and rest in your hearts this Christmas my friend. You both are always in my thoughts and prayers. (((((( BIG HUGS))))), Lori

  7. Wishing you and your Mom a very Merry Christmas <3

  8. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday and a new year full of promise and hope.

  9. Wishing you peace this Christmas season.
    Hugs :)

  10. Kelley, I add my wishes and prayers for you and your Mom. You are such a wonderful daughter. Jan

  11. Hi Kelley ~ I hope you and your mom had a good day with each other ~ holidays change for sure ~ I know you made it special for your mom! Wishing you peace.

  12. I love the idea of a scented spray. There is much goodness for memories in lovely smells.

    I hope Christmas Day brought at least a few moments of joy for you both...
