Monday, December 23, 2013

Bad Days

found this photo
on Pinterest
our cardinals aren't that plump...yet
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Been a couple of rough days
Mom is fixated on going home
no distractions allowed
My sister and I both visited this morning
I went with her to therapy
nothing helps
I've talked to the social worker
and unit nurse...
worried about her trying
to get out of her wheelchair
 will be visiting her at 2
she's already been warned
It will take a few more weeks
to get her strong enough
to move to and fro
with the help of only one person


  1. It is tough to get her to understand that it just takes time and she needs to follow the regime to get better, and with short term memory, makes it tougher. I hope you can enjoy Christmas together and she will try and get out of her room and interact with others.


  2. I'm sure it's rough on all of you. I hope you all enjoy Christmas.

    Cardinals plump themselves up when the weather is really cold and lately, ours are very plumped up.

  3. It must be terribly hard! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.Hope that you all enjoy Christmas.Hugs,Jen

  4. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please try to have a Merry Christmas.
    Hugs :)

  5. The cardinals are so very beautiful.
    I'm sorry she is struggling right now. Hugs and prayers for you both.

  6. Plumped up like they are swathed with red comforters. This is a time when feeding the birds helps them and us at the same time.

    Christmas is coming... Santa will know where all good/spunky girls are! Hugs for you both!m
