Sunday, December 22, 2013


I got to stitch
for the first time
in about forever
the seating was uncomfortable
the lighting not so good
but I stitched
Mom kept watching me
but never asked to help
finally I asked if she wanted to stitch
her reply
"not today"
so maybe today she will
am taking something different for her
would love it if she
became engaged in something
her every thought is of coming home
she asks if I would like to be there
I always so of course
a place where they bring me my meds and food
where I can get my hair done
play bingo
and sleep in late
what's not to love
unless you have to be there
the therapists
all rave about her progress
so praying it won't be too long
maybe a few more weeks
not soon enough for her
she was ready to call a taxi last night
she's full of it!


  1. That is funny when we think about it, I would love a week of rest but I know I would hate it;) Your mom is used to being the mom and wife and taking care of others, hopefully she can heal quickly and you can find help at home so she can come home.


  2. Hang in there. I hope things continue to improve.

  3. kitties must miss the both of you, take care......

  4. That spunk will carry her to a quicker recovery. If only the body was working as fast as her heart and determination.


  5. Spunk will get her a long way.
    God love you for being there for her.
    Merry Christmas!
    Hugs :)

  6. This post was just past Solstice, still hard to tell, that the light is returning -adding minutes each week.

    Hoping your mom grow stronger with each additional minute of daylight. Even here in TX it is so cold and damp.

    I hope the storms we are sure to have next week, will help the two of you feel cozy...
