Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mom and the Cats

time for a rice pudding break
Olivia feels safe from Melrose
on the back of Mom's chair
a few weeks ago

back to stitching

totally innocent
" I was not chasing Olivia off the couch"
again with the innocent look
as if he wasn't just trying to break through the window
to get to the birds...

sleeping on Mom's clothes
in her bedroom

a few weeks ago
we call this voluntary cat jail
when they sleep under the green chair

keeping Mom's chair warm

such a perfect fit
Thank you for your prayers and emails
we need all the support we can get right now
Mom is in great spirits
though more confused than usual...
I hate to leave her for a minute
but my sister is there for now
I'll go back in a few hours and stay overnight
We can get a sitter for her in the hospital
when we can't be there
but since I'm off work
most of the time
I prefer to be with her...
Mom has been through so much
she is a real trooper
and ready to take on this challenge
with our cheering her on
it's all about being positive
in her presence...
We found an old gratitude journal of Dad's the other day
enjoyed reading all his
entries about mowing the lawn
told Mom that's his quilting
so we will be starting our own journal
each day we make sure to enjoy the moments


  1. I like the idea of a journal and maybe you can add some photos too, if you can print out the ones you take? That way she can look at it and see what she has been up to and have happy memories to reflect on.


  2. Loved the photos of the cats and your Mom. The gratitude journal sounds like an excellent idea. xo

  3. she looks precious there!
    the kitties look like they own the place! kitty jail, that's cute.
    I think a gratitude journal would be a wonderful thing, it's so easy to forget the good things when you get busy with the day to day. hugs and prayers!

  4. Such a wonderful post Kelley! The kitties must really be missing your Mom! Hang in there and love the journal idea... your Dad's mowing the lawn as his quilting gave me a smile!!
    Cathy G

  5. Lovely post today. A gratitude journal is a great idea. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Great idea Kelley. I'm sure the kitties are missing your mom dearly....wishing your Mom the very best!
