Saturday, December 7, 2013

Our Decision

This morning Mom was transferred to the trauma hospital downtown to see Orthopedic surgeon...he gave us two options... both requiring 3 months no weight with so many risks...both physical and guarantee of walking again....greater risk of fall if she could walk....

Or no surgery...immobilize leg and develop upper body strength to help move body from chair to chair/bed...leg will heal but not going to walk again...better quality of life while she loss of cognitive function from hours under anesthesia...

After much discussion the surgeon described it as a "pick your poison" situation...Mom chose no surgery...she knows enough to know she would get much worse before getting better...

So we go from here...doing all we can to get her strong enough to come keep her mentally involved and happy...prayers have helped her have a good day today...a d helped me find peace with our decision...


  1. such a hard life decision keeping you and your mom in my prayers.

  2. Good luck! Prayers coming your way!

  3. Praying for God's loving touch on you lives.

  4. I'm so sorry you're all going through this. Bless her heart. Either way, it was a tough decision.

    In June 2012 my DH (who was 72 at the time) fell from a 10' ladder in the garage. He came straight down on his left ankle. It was shattered. NOT just broke but shattered. His foot was completely broken from the leg bones. Long story short, he had 4 surgeries within 10 weeks and developed a life-threatening infection. Too many antibiotics destroyed his intestines and stomach. He's had a very long recovery. I was his caregiver during it all and thanked God I had had nursing experience. When they suggested he have his ankle fused to make it more stable (there's nothing left in there) he decided not to have it done and has opted to wear a brace for the rest of his life. I was so glad when he decided not to have any more surgeries.

    He has a slight limp and his ankle is loaded with arthritis but he's happy to still have his foot and Aleve takes care of the rest.

  5. Such a tough decision. Glad that your mom was able to make it for herself. Sending prayers your way.
    Blessings, Patti

  6. One day at a time. Prayers continue. xo

  7. Kelley, my brother-in-law faced the exact same decision two years ago. He is 82. He decided not to have the surgery. He has done quite well. He needs little help getting from chair to bed and bed to chair. It was the best decision for him and his family. God Bless Kelley.

  8. My thoughts are with you and your mom. After careful consideration, any decision you made is the right one. Hugs to you and your mother. Mary A

  9. Kelley you've had so many tough decisions and it sounds like you've made another good one! It will still be a rough go but you have your Mom with you! Prayers for strength for you both!
    Cathy G

  10. I know how hard it is to make those decisions. I faced a similar time in February with my mother. I struggled but eventually accepted my choice. I think I made the right one and I'm sure you did also

  11. It is a hard decision but seems like the right one for your mom and less risk of falls will be better in the long run. My prayers are always with you both.


  12. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs to you and your mom.

  13. I will be praying for strength for you and your mother for the journey ahead. My The Lord bless and keep you both in his loving arms.

  14. Oh Dear girl, so hard to make decisions.....keeping you in my prayers, Hugs Francine.

  15. Thinking of you,, for sure ~ your mother was blessed with an angel for a daughter!

  16. we are here for you both ~
    ... lean on us when you need to.

  17. Much love to you my sweet friend! I cried yesterday when I read your post! I wish I lived closer, and could help ease the weight of of all these trials somehow!! :( My heart, and continuing prayers are with you and mom! God is with you, and may he go before you! and you are loved!!! Xoxo

  18. So sad and so difficult for you and your Mom to have to go through so much physical and emotional pain. Continued prayers, n

  19. So sad and so difficult for you and your Mom to have to go through so much physical and emotional pain. Continued prayers, n

  20. Oh my, what a difficult call. Your Mother must be a real trooper to be able to make that call. Blessings, to you Dianntha

  21. Kelley ~ Keeping your Mom comfortable and in good spirits
    will go a long way in giving her the quality of life you would want for her. That was our decision for our Mom who was kept
    occupied and "entertained" and
    we listened to her and honored what she wanted and it worked.
    Reaching out in prayer for you both...
