Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday the Frozen Day

I admit to getting wimpy in my old age
this 11* is just too cold
means I have to at least wear socks
and the dreaded coat
Mom is doing pretty good
physically getting stronger every day
therapy going fine
she is just so depressed being there
so bored
nothing interests her
except our visits
my sister is there this morning
I'm taking her lunch we can share
then going back tonight to stay over
she has an 8 am Dr appointment
so we leave around 7:15
no way could I get up that early on my own these days
we'll both be sleeping on the ride over
(don't worry...we're going by ambulance)
Hope your days are full of peace
as we approach Christmas
there were carolers
from a local church
yesterday at Mom's facility
faces shining with joy
as they lifted their voice in song


  1. when I was in the hospital giving birth to Hannah on December 20, 1994 a group of carolers came into our room and sang to Peter, newborn Hannah & I ~
    I was so emotional that all I could do was smile & cry!!!
    Thankfully, Peter videotaped that for us...we watch it every year on Hannah's bday!

    How very nice for them to have visited your Mom ~ it's those little things that we do for one another that truly make up life's greatest moments.

    Wishing your family Peace, Comfort & Joy Kelleygirl!

  2. Not sure how you can sleep in an ambulance, those things are horrid, lol. I hope your mom can feel better about getting out of her room and visiting the other areas, just for a change of pace.


  3. 11*. I hate it. Sounds like you are much heartier than I am. When it's 40 I dress like it's 0. I am SO HAPPY to have heated seats in my new vehicle. I will probably use them almost year!
    Glad to hear mom is getting stronger. Hoping it continues and with strength her mood will improve.
    Hugs :)

  4. It's good to hear that your mom is getting stronger. Hoping you and your mom can share some peace & joy during this Christmas season.

    Prayers & Hugs to you both.

  5. 11* I would need to put on way more than socks and a coat to get me out of the house......I start whining at 60*
    spoiled I am!
    take care xoxo

  6. You sound more hopeful today ~ you have a wonderful spirit!

  7. we are -5 this morning. and so much snow with more coming this afternoon.
    thinking of you and your mom.

  8. Catching up on your blog again. December was a blur of working on doll clothes, wrapping presents, and keeping up with our store. Then trying to catch up on paperwork, while trying to pretend I' still as young as ever."

    The end of the years weird with light and darkness upended. Carols, flu, colored lights, drippy noses, gaily wrapped packages, on and around they twirl....
