Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Merry Tuesday

good news at the doctor's office this morning
Mom's fracture is still aligned well
she has regained some range of motion

Dr Shaer was able to show me
 before CT scan and after x rays
long story short if all goes well
she'll be in the splint
(temporary cast that is changed
with each appointment)
for 9 weeks
that's how long it takes for healing to take place
in her health condition
hoping it will be less than a month
to get her home

I'm home resting before work
I could stitch
but the couch is calling me for a nap
cats are close by
ready to help


  1. The power of prayer....great news.....Nigh night, Francine.

  2. That is good news and I hope it heals quickly so she can come home, I know that will boost her spirits.


  3. Ah yes, beloved sleep. You need that to rejuvenate your mind and body. Happy to hear the good news.


  4. PTL will keep praying for you both.

  5. Good news for your Mom...YAY! xo

  6. Glad to hear your news! Nice Christmas present! Oh, cats work while you nap to make sure you don't float away.....;0

  7. that is wonderful news, hope all continues to improve, hugs, prayers, and naps when you can!

  8. Kelley,
    I pray the healing goes well. I think of you and your mom every day. Big healing hugs for her and for you too my friend. Lori

  9. The question of whether or not to nap is pointless. The kats will hypnotize you with purring....RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!

    Hugs, prayers for healing....
