Sunday, March 23, 2014

Catching Up

the photo has nothing to do with the post
I just like this little quilt...
Many of you will remember Cindy's boys
the three older boys who lost their mother suddenly
until last fall they were able to keep the house
and live there together
with all that was going on in my life
I can't recall if it was November or December
but their house caught fire and remains a standing shell
I haven't talked to any of them since
nor their aunt down the street...
hoping to see them at the house as the weather gets nicer
I've posted a little on Facebook lately
about Mom's fall, ER visit and subsequent
new injury to her knee
the staples in her head should come out tomorrow
the impaction and new fracture to her knee
was minimal according to her orthopedic surgeon
so there were minor changes to her therapy
a small set back
on Thursday she reached her insurance limit
on the stay and therapy for her injury...
we are now on self pay
and waiting to hear what will be covered therapy wise
so that means we're working to get her
approved for Medicaid
I will be buying the house from her now
selling the back lot if possible
more paperwork and phone calls
all taking time away from
my visiting Mom
we'll be spending money on long needed
home repairs...
no real updates since they built it in 1952
I do make Mom laugh when I promise
I'm not rearranging furniture
the way I love to...
it will all work out
we haven't told Mom she's staying there
she is already so depressed
wanting to come home
some days are good
we enjoy puzzles, talking to the other ladies
and my "torturing her"
by having her color and do memory games
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers
I don't answer much email or post on blogs
but I enjoying reading them


  1. I'm not on Facebook and am sorry to hear about the fall. We never told any family members that they would never go home and informed the aides to follow.
    Your header is hilarious and I LOVE that little quilt.

  2. Thanks for keeping us posted! Blog posting is getting harder and harder to keep up with and when you have a full plate, such as yours ~ it's about impossible! Keep up the good work and hang in there ~ what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, you know!!! Sometimes, I think I'm strong enough!!! Remember to take care of you!

  3. totally off subject but the kitty in the birdhouse looks exactly like my Reese! love orange kitties! many hugs to you <3

  4. Sorry about the setbacks.
    Thinking of you and mom.
    Hugs :)

  5. Such a terrible step backwards and am sorry this is taking such a tole on you and your mum. On another note, your quilt piece sure does look inspiring for the mini-mat I'm hooking.

    Big hugs to you and your mother.


  6. That is so sad about the boys, I am sure they were heartbroken when they lost their home. I hope the paperwork goes smoothly, that is always a pain when a parent is in a facility.


  7. Best to take one day, hour or minute at a time - whatever it takes to get through this journey. Please know that thoughts and prayers are with you...

  8. you have your hands full for sure. thinking of you and your mom

  9. Kelley, I am so sorry for this hard time in your life. Know though how fortunate your mom is to HAVE YOU. You are a real blessing. Not all parents are so fortunate. Never feel guilt. You are a wonderful daughter and no one could do more.

  10. Kelley I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's fall and the financial issues. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Keeping you and your Mom in my prayers. You are a blessing to your Mom. Things will work out no matter what life throws you. Be sure and take care of you too.

  12. Hi, I love your blog. y Mother in law lives with me and I get inspiration from you. You are so kind and thoughtful with your Mom. Some days it is hard and I really admire you. By the way I love that little quilt also!
