Thursday, March 27, 2014

Always Feeding the Birds

not our bird feeder
but we can dream of it
I have to download some pictures
of Mom's new bird feeders
there are now three on Shepard's hooks
such a treat for her all day
we are hoping at some point
for her to trade rooms
hers looks out on to a small yard
with walls all around
she would prefer to see trees
my plate is overflowing as always
winding up her taxes
paperwork for insurance and everything else possible
getting my affairs in order
to purchase the house
the reason I fall behind on paperwork
phone calls
and housework
is my priority...
spending time with Mom
her face lights up when she sees me
what more can I say


  1. spend every little minute you have with her ~ she loves you!

  2. Morning, so wonderful, love the feeder too, Hugs Francine.

  3. Love the header. Bird feeders are a great source of entertainment. I can imagine the reward to see your Mom's face light up at your arrival. xo

  4. Love that bird feeder, need to get some books at the library and have Bill make me some. It is good that you can spend time with your mom and the joy she finds with your visits is well worth putting off other things for now.


  5. How nice that she's has some feeders to watch the birds coming to. Your priorities are in the right place! As always, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Nothing.....that says it all my friend. Thinking of both of you and keeping you in my prayers daily. Big hugs, Lori

  7. sounds like you are making the best use of your time that you can, I love feeders, there is 3 just out the block, away from our dog who would not be nice to the birds, but I love rounding the corner and seeing all the different varieties. The birds here are smart, our yardbirds stay high up, and out of reach of paws! hope your weekend is lovely, and that you soon get everything settled with all the paperwork! hugs!
