Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Other Day

these two are always at the feeders

a very popular spot most days

quilt pieces mom loves
Bonanza or Gunsmoke on TV

Mom working on a smile
 I sure do love this gal


  1. It is so nice that she can have her things in the room to make it more like home and wonderful to have bird feeders outside the window.


  2. Looks like Bonanza. Your Mom is beautiful. xo

  3. Bless your mom's heart Kelley! So glad she is able to have things she enjoys... my Dad loved those shows too.. anything that had to do with cowboys and horses!! LOL!
    Enjoy your Sunday precious ladies!!
    Cathy G

  4. Nose kiss to you, and Big Hug to your mom :)

  5. You are a magnificent daughter and care giver. Wish I were there to wrap my arms around both of you and give you a bear hug.


  6. My Mom used to love both of those shows, and anything western on tv. She always said it was for the scenery, I think she like the guys in the white hats, myself, grin! So happy your mom gets to have things that bring her joy, and the feeders, just great! love the "couple" in the first shot!

  7. So nice to see your mom smiling for the camera. I think it's great that your mom gets to watch the birds and programs on tv that she likes. Hugs and prayers for you both.

  8. I'm an old 'western' gal myself! love them ~ so good to see your mom kelleygirl :) sending lots of hugs from all of us at NFF :)

  9. Big hugs to you both! It is great that your mom is able to have comforting things around her that she loves.God bless you both.Blessings,Jen

  10. Ahhhh....your mom looks good. You are so nice to take such great care of her and spend your time with her. That is what every parent hopes their child will do, be there until the very end. Kudos to you!!!

    big hugs
