Saturday, April 12, 2014


the hardest decision ever
in a season of hard decisions...
it really boiled down to my health
and what would happen to Mom
if I get sick...
serious like surgery, hospitalization
 or even a bad flu
with my health issues
this is a real possibility
I have no real back up
Mom is in a great facility now
if I take her out
there is little chance of her getting
back in if needed
so going with my head
over my heart
One of these days
I'll get a few of my patterns on linen
for sale in my etsy shop...
there are so many things
I want to get for Mom
found a great site for memory activities
my wish list is long
as she moves from the middle to late stage
it's all changing
her hands are getting less
able to do what she wants them to
harder to pick up puzzles pieces
and stitching...
ah, the greatest loss to her
thanks oh so very much
for your comments and emails
every word did my heart good
once I get all our paperwork done
to purchase her house
get her on Medicaid and whatever else comes up
I'll work on getting myself healthy as possible
my ultimate dream is to bring her home
while she still remembers it


  1. oh Kelley Girl...I continue to pray for you every night. For strength. You are what every mother hopes for in a daughter...your Mom is so very fortunate to have you. My heart is with you. xo

  2. You may be going with your head, but it's still from your heart. You are putting her well being and safety above all. You can still take her out for a ride or visit once in a while. I hope making the decision has helped with your stress.

  3. You are always in my thoughts.
    Hugs, Kim

  4. sounds like very wise but difficult decisions have been on to a healthier and stronger you! all my prayers for strength in journey forward......

  5. I feel for you and your difficult decision. Sometimes following your head takes a lot of heart!!!

  6. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs,Jen

  7. Kelley,
    You and your mom are always in my thoughts and certainly in my prayers and I hope the road ahead will bring your peace and joy with the memories you can still share with her.


  8. such a hard time for you keeping you in my thoughts

  9. You've made a difficult, but wise decision. Having others take care of her health gives you time to take care of her heart. We always wished we had made this decision sooner for our mom. The stresses of caring for her health took away from the time we could just enjoy being with her.

  10. Now you can give your Mom your very best, these are precious days you have to spend with her, you must think of your health and well being during this time!!!!
    Will you ever sell your little books again that were posted on Etsy???? Your designs are so sweet!
    Wishing you peace of mind~

  11. Kelley,
    My prayers continue to be with you and your Mom. I applaud you for all you have sacrificed to take care of her and wish you luck as you navigate all the red tape that comes with dealing with her house and Medicare.
    Thanks for remembering that sometimes the heart has to play second fiddle to the head. It is never an easy decision.
    May your wish to bring her home comes truly when it will still be remembered.

  12. I am a new follower of your blog, and just want to give you a big hug and spring bouquet of flowers.
    Your journey is leading you down such a difficult path. I am sure your mother can feel the love and warmth your caring gives her.
