Sunday, April 13, 2014

They Say She's Spoiled

These are new puzzles
in the car
for Mom to enjoy

The reason they are waiting...
this set of tiles was opened up for the first time yesterday
so many different ways to arrange the tiles
by color
by face, by food
or put down a row of four with one being odd
"which one doesn't belong"
We had fun yesterday until Mom
started nodding off...
must have been our long walk outside
70* and a little breezy
We often take our games
to the dining area
more light with all the windows
and other people around
who stop and visit...
Everyone says I spoil her
she sometimes says so too
I say I never do


  1. how wonderful! You'll always be happy you did this!

  2. No such thing, you are a wonderful daughter who cares enough to be there for her. Too many kids throw away their parents and never visit.

    I am horrible at memory tiles, lol.


  3. could never spoil her enough my friend ~
    (hugs) to you both

  4. Yes, I agree....not spoiled but loved. Those tiles look like a lot of fun with endless possibilities. Take care of yourself Kelley. Keeping you in my prayers every day. I'm worried about your health. Try to squeeze in a little time for yourself if you can. Even if it's only a few minutes. Love & hugs, Lori

  5. Well loved is what I would call it.Blessings,Jen

  6. So glad you are able to go outside and enjoy the spring weather. Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
