Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday Afternoon

lots of color on Mom's face
but she's feeling good
we took a nice walk outside today
stopped to admire a few trees in bloom
the view through the fence
of this courtyard
(there are many here) 
is a large grassy hill
trees and scrub
lots of birds flying around
our favorite view
a lovely day together
watching on old movie with Jimmy Stewart
eating her favorite locally made
kettle corn
she said when she goes to the store
she's getting the biggest bag they have!
I told her I can buy it at work
so she wants two bags...
every day I am grateful for her appetite
we usually split an orange
make sure she has red grapes
(another favorite)
cheese or peanut butter on crackers
in addition to meals
she's always been a grazer
small portions
except for cake and ice cream
she'll eat all you give her
I definitely take after her
Hope your Saturday
was a wonderful as can be
ours sure was


  1. so happy to see her :) enjoy the beautiful weather we're having <3

  2. Kelley,
    It looks so lovely there! We are seeing some signs of green grass now too! Sure glad your Mom is doing so well and that you both can have some fun days! Your post made me hungry... all the foods I love as well!
    Cathy G

  3. so happy you had a great day together! I always liked jimmy s. and kettle corn, mmmm! hugs!

  4. Sounds like a really great day.

  5. How nice to get your mom out in the fresh Spring air -- so happy for your nice day!!

  6. I enjoyed seeing the photo of your mom outside and fun to hear that she loves eating her favorites and has her sense of humor too.


  7. Hey Kelley glad to read that you and your Mom had a good day together. That makes my heart feel good. xo

  8. spent my Saturday at a school carnival with four of my grandchildren.....very enjoyable indeed!

  9. Hey Kelley Girl, So happy to see your mom looking better. It looks beautiful there. Gosh I haven't had kettle corn in many years. Usually get it during the summer at fairs etc. I hope you're taking care of you too. Beautiful weekend. We are getting a whole week of rain this week. Good hooking weather or reading. I love to read. Should get books on tape so that I could do both at the same time!!

    Hugs to you both
