Thursday, May 1, 2014

Moving Day

These photos are from yesterday afternoon...
Mom and Joyce had a good day
love how her face is healing
she is not so cranky looking~usually
in person
Second photo is so blurry
but just love Joyce's smile...she's wonderful with Mom
Mom is moving to another room
right next door...
the window has a view of lawn and trees
not a couple of walls
will be moving the bird feeders
so much better for me too
they will be right off the sidewalk
instead of having to cross the lawn
We are hoping this will help Mom
she loves looking outside


  1. Kelley,
    It's so nice to see the smiles! Your Mom looks so good... healing nicely! The birds are lucky too!!
    Happy May day to you all!!
    Cathy G

  2. How nice for your mom that she will have a room with a view!! It's nice for you too, Kelley, that your mom will be more content.

  3. I am glad she can move to a nicer room and nothing like nature out your window to perk up your spirits.


  4. Your Mom will love the window!!! Nice for you to fill the bird feeders easier!!! Good Day for all!

  5. Such a nice looking place. I'm sure the wider views will be enjoyed by mom and the birds too.

  6. Sounds like a good move for everyone! xo

  7. Hope you both enjoy a spring day outside for Mother's Day. You are both so lucky to have each other... Give the kats a chin scratch from Jonut!
