Saturday, May 3, 2014

Birds and Quilts

Thursday afternoon
I took some shots of the finches
at the feeders...
so far we've seen 5 up there at once
I never realized they chirped so much

Yesterday I rearranged the feeders
bought a new one too
The big one is really too heavy
for the Shepard's Hook
hoping my sister and her husband
can get them all up
when they are here later this month
So far Mom says she is not happy with the room
thought it would be bigger...
it's actually a bit smaller
but the first day she was entranced
by the view
even before the bird feeders were moved
in the long run this will be
so much better
Her therapy is not going so well
no real improvement in
standing or walking for a while
We just get through one minute at a time
This book arrived the other day
Mom and I both love the scrappy quilts
patchwork with applique
is a family favorite
this book gives her much pleasure
planning the quilts to make
the cover quilt is her favorite
this one is mine!
I saved the magazine it was first shown in
Mom says she'll do the applique
if I do the piecing
we both have fun talking quilts


  1. The view looks to be so much better for your mom. I hope in time she will focus more on that than the size of the room. Yes, one day at a time is all we can do. Love the quilts! How fun you two can dream and talk about quilt making. Big hugs, Lori

  2. Sometimes, we can only take it one moment at a time. The quilt book looks great! Sending hugs and prayers for you both.

  3. She will appreciate the view after she settles in. It is good to be able to watch the birds and see the sun shinning

  4. What a wonderful view for her and beautiful birds coming to visit, she will spend hours enjoying that. I love Kim's books, I still have old issues of BHG with her quilts I would like to make.


  5. So happy that you are able to talk quilts with your Mom. xo

  6. I'm glad your mom has a nice view. Change is hard for them but she will love watching the birds

  7. Hi Kelley,
    Those yellow finches are such beautiful birds! Your Mom will love that view and not mind a smaller room I'm sure! Oh those quilts are awesome! So great to be able to talk and share your love of fabrics and beautiful quilts! Hope you have some sun shine now and more nice days to get out side!!
    Cathy G

  8. The finches are just such beauties, I love seeing them too. The view is so much better in this room! Hope she grows to enjoy it more each day. Love the quilts, they are just so pretty!

  9. I love watching the birds at the feeder. That book looks amazing - beautiful quilts !

  10. Love the one your mom have :)
    Guys, Thank you for purring for me
    Miss you lots

  11. Goldfinches, chickadees, and titmice will all come to that type of feeder. Is there a way to have a hummingbird feeder? That might be too difficult to keep filled, but they are fun to watch.
