Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fresh Air

relaxing outside in the sun
table and chairs
under a gazebo type tent
her scab is finally gone from the fall
bruises nearly faded
looking like herself again
these are from my sister yesterday
in a different little courtyard
different flowers showing up daily
bird feeders everywhere
this morning I am waiting for a company
to arrive and clean the main drain from the house
some issues yesterday with backup
always fun...


  1. What a beautiful place to stay, really nice gardens and nature all around. I am glad to see she is healing nicely and doing better. I hope they can fix your problem without too much mess and stress.


  2. love to see her out & about ~ she looks great! she is so blessed to have you, and you ~ her…
    xoxox to you both

  3. your mom is such a love ~ i'm so very glad that she is in a safe and beautiful place... a place, too, where you can relax and feel at ease...

    be well, my friend. i think of you often....

