Monday, May 19, 2014


it was warm enough to spend some time
in the sun yesterday

I asked Mom to smile and wave
so I could send her photo to my sisters

her face is healing up nicely
looks like I need to find her some sunglasses...
The grounds where she lives are wonderful
this was in the large courtyard
recently decorated with pots of flowers and flags
many residents have bird feeders
even bird baths
outside their rooms...
we keep track of how popular they are
by checking seed levels
Yesterday was a good day
I was able to leave for work
without incident
I might be napping during my visit today
the cats woke me up way too early
tapping me with their paws
and tales of immanent starvation


  1. I'm happy to see your mom :)
    She looks well
    I purrs for more for the healing.
    Wake up early, you are not does to my mom too :)
    Have a lovely day
    Take Care

  2. Your Mom is looking good. Nice to have somewhere to sit and enjoy being outside. Have a good day. xo

  3. Mommy looks great! what a sweetie and to see her in the sunshine is so beautiful ~
    much xoxox to you both ~

  4. It's so nice she has a lovely outdoor area to enjoy. Get her sunglasses and a bright, fun sun hat. She will look like a movie star!

  5. Being able to enjoy the outdoor area is such a bonus. It always relaxed my mom and her swing would put her to sleep!

  6. It is great that the weather is nice now and you can get outside with your mom, good for both of you. I hope you have a nice visit today and some time just for you.


  7. Kelley,
    Your mom is looking great! So good to see her enjoying the sunshine. Hugs, Lori

  8. You're mom looks so much better, Kelley. It does a person good to be able to go outside in nice weather...and it was a long hard winter for your mom and you!

  9. Looking good! Sending hugs and prayers.

  10. Hey Kelley Girl, Mom looks wonderful and it's so good to see her outside in the beautiful sunlight. Thought Spring would never get here.

    Sending love, prayers and all good thoughts.

