Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday Afternoon

We sure had a good afternoon yesterday
went to the monthly birthday party
with sing a long music, cake and ice cream
Mom was tapping her foot and singing along
Then back to her room
to work on strips for the mats
she likes to pin them in small bundles
rather than roll a large ball
who cares?
as long as she is entertained
Some anxiety set in about going home...
not being able to call Grandma...
so we took a walk around inside
stopped at the gift shop for candy and went outside
under an awning
Mom's not making a face
she's chewing a Rolo...
we both love our chocolate and caramel

We talk of trying to enjoy each moment
crying when we need to
All in all it was a good day
especially the honey garlic pork loin for dinner
her new favorite
Today I'm taking more fabric strips
in a plastic container
since she didn't want to waste a good basket on them
Not even one of mine!


  1. So happy that you had a good afternoon...may you have many more. xo

  2. Bless you both! I'm glad you had a nice day together. Hugs, Lori

  3. I am glad you both had a good day. It is hard when she goes back to the past and all you can do is wait for it to pass. It looks like she is enjoying doing up the bundles too, great that she can have something to create and work on.


  4. Looks like a great day spent together. Enjoy the rest of the week :)

  5. OMG I love rollo's haven't had one in years, now I will have to look for them
    thanks …nice that you can find something for your mom to do to keep her entertained and busy. Bet she feels productive too, which is so nice.
    ps glad I found your blog again
