Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rag Rugs Again

this looks interesting...

these colors are calling to me
something cheery!
needless to say
there is nothing like this in my stash
different sizes look fun
could never make rugs for my floors
Melrose tends to pee on rugs
every now and then
Thank God he leaves carpeting alone
termite inspection Friday
the men who do the lawn will be doing the painting!!!
when it's done...
bank appraisal is needed before closing
still a tentative Aug 22


  1. Glad to see all is moving forward. xo

  2. The good thing with rag rugs are they are washable.
    I just looked up the book in our library and ordered it, looks like a good book to check out.


  3. Your the one up the front on the second last hurdle. Just believe you're almost there.

  4. I really want to make a few rag rugs, your inspiring me. Ok have to tell you the guys that cut our lawn and do the trimming also do the painting in our home this way they have work during the winter, they have been working with us for over 26 years!
