Saturday, October 25, 2014

Back to Work

going back to work this week
really kicked my butt
plus it made the cats sad
they like having me around more
especially since we nap a lot
nothing exciting going on around here
my weekend off so it's
the usual mix of cleaning, laundry
extra time with Mom
there are so outdoor chores needing done
I love being out there in the chilly air
sun shining down
crunching through leaves...
mini goals this weekend:
ride exercise bike 10 miles
get a haircut
vacuum car
have fun
The cat by Mom has become our dear friend
I'm sure it has something to do with the cat food
the belly rubs
the attention...she is such a love bug
typical cat behavior
she walks in front of the wheelchair
flopping down for rollies every few feet
we can't get around her often
and when we do
she runs like mad to catch up
to get in front
totally cracks Mom up
Makes for a good day


  1. It's often the little things that bring the most pleasure...and the fondest memories. Treasure this time. xo

  2. Ten miles on the exercise bike is a MINI goal?? I am so out of shape.

  3. I need a hair cut too, but trying to see if I can grow it out and make it easier for winter since I can just pull it back, will see. Fun that the kitty keeps coming back and your mom can enjoy him.


  4. Yup I am agree with Jacque :)
    Treasure this time xx

  5. I've hope you've had more success with your weekend goals than I've had with mine...sigh.
    Hugs :)
