Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day Six

after lunch we set off to feed the birds
maybe the cat too
if she showed up...
no sooner than I called here kitty kitty...

some comes meowing our way
she alternates between eating and demanding pats
she tagged along for a while
than ran in front of us to perform
some adorable "rollies"
earning an extra handful of treats
Plenty of progress in the sewing room
nothing photo worthy yet
you know how it often gets worse first...
empty baskets and containers
awaiting their next assignment
(off to the wool room I suppose)
switching things between rooms
not really getting the room ready for creating
just tired of the clutter
the dust
the cat hair!!!


  1. I think it is nice that the kitty comes to visit. I had one that visited the neighbors and the bad thing was, he got fat, lol. Clutter bothers me and i when I want something, I don't want to spend an hour looking for it, so having things in their place is our way of making life easier and getting more done in a day.


  2. I have to agree. Sometimes the "worse before it gets better" never goes away! I'll bet your mom loves seeing Kit Kat. Sounds like she has chosen the place as her home. So friendly, I wonder is she is an indoor that got away.

  3. lovely post, is worse a perpetual state? it seems to be here, to stay :)

  4. How wonderful your mom gets outside to breath the fresh air and enjoy the birds and that sweet little cat.

  5. Sweet pics of mom. Me thinks Kit Kat will soon be Kelly's cat!
    It ALWAYS has to get worse before it gets better!!!
    Hugs :)

  6. Such a sweet post and your mom and cat picture is so cute
    Big hugs x

  7. MOL.. we kitties love to be spoil...Rotten ;)
    And Look like your mom has a great time.
