Sunday, November 6, 2016

Change of Plans

you know that rug I shared yesterday
forget about it

too much though required...

am changing to this
super easy

still feel crappy
but I have managed to take a shower and brush my teeth
couldn't do it yesterday
with a fever
gathering energy to head to grocery store
for more Powerade Zero
I've had it with water 
might need a bit of chocolate too
in the from of pudding

it's just a cold
hate to miss seeing mom two days in a row
glad it's my weekend off so I don't have to take sick time

silver linings and all that



Rugs and Pugs said...

"Just a cold" can be miserable. Glad you are feeling a tad bit better. Smart not to visit mom and chance giving it to her.
Can't wait to see how you will hook this scrappy little mat!
Hope you feel better soon.

Jacqueline said...

Colds suck the life right out of you. Hope you are on the mend.

I love that little rug. Can't wait to see yours.

Saundra said...

Sending you healing thoughts.

Dirty Martini Queen said...

We're battling the "just a cold" here as well and nothing makes me more miserable than feeling too bad to read, hook or stitch.

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon!

marly said...

I've been hearing of people becoming ill with a cold, but it's a doozy. I know you're taking care of yourself and I hope it doesn't last too long.

Jacque. said... poor Kelley Girl. Feelin' for ya! Hope you feel better very soon. xo

WoolenSails said...

Colds aren't fun, they just make us feel miserable and zap our energy.
I hope you feel better soon and glad you have the time off, to rest.
I love the ones you did for me and it is fun to use up your scraps and try different designs.


Unknown said...

Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

She Seeketh Wool said...

Sorry to hear you feel bad. I love that rug. Really love it, if you need someone to send it to.....well without mentioning any names.....ME!

Hey the powerade you bought, is it a small bottle that you then put in bottles of water? I was drinking that constantly and then all of a sudden it disappeared off the shelves of our grocery store. I didn't know if they just weren't going to carry it or it went out of business because it wasn't a seller. Let me know because I can't drink regular Pepsi due to diabetes, can't drink the Diet because of the migraines so I drink a lot of water and I'm always looking for good stuff to add to the water to make it taste good. I loved this powerade zero. I know I can buy the powerade in the big bottles but takes up so much room in the fridge. Thanks Kelley.
