Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wherever I Am...

Chester loves to be
sleeping in the sun
next to the computer
he looks so rumpled
like no one ever brushes him
(if you could only see
that scruffy belly)
he's like a big
woolly caterpillar
fluff from one end to the other


JoJo said...

Chester's fur is the same as my Snowy's. Within about two minutes of my brushing him out, he walks away and lays down somewhere and it doesn't look like I've touched him in a week!! Or....I Furminate him and he walks through the living room, leaving fur wafting across the freshing vacuumed floor. Gotta love 'em.

Karmen said...

I love holding my kitty. I can't believe I went so many years without cat fur in my life.

Joanne said...

Such a cutie - looks like he's content in that sunbeam!