Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cat Days of Summer

A great spot

for a cat nap
behind the curtain
Olivia is warm and toasty
protected from
breeze of overhead fan

Chester is a few feet

away from her
on the "cat bed"
right under the breeze of the fan...
looking very rumply today
as soon as he's sound asleep
I can brush that belly

As for me,
I'm peacefully -----ing
on a swap piece for Grace...
soon to be finished and shipped
Will post a photo
once it's been received


WoolenSails said...

Nothing like a hot day to put the kitties to sleep.
I won't mention how cool it is here;)


Jacque. said...

ohhhhhhhhh, they look so comfy. And content.

JoJo said...

Chester and Olivia both look so comfortable. Oh, how I wish I could sleep like that!

Miccosukee said...

Can't believe that I just noticed the new header on your blog. What a beautiful ode to the adorable rulers of the house.

If my sister wasn't allergic to cats, mine would be here. He is a pure black stub tailed named Trouble.


Joanne said...

Wonder what those adorable furballs are dreaming about? A tunapop? Some birdies?

Cotton Eyed Jo said...

Napping on a summer afternoon, what could be better. Napping on a rainy day, napping while the snow is falling, napping for that burst of energy!
