another work in progress takes a turn on the wall
there are six of these little churn dash blocks
~ ~ ~
FYI: nothing I've been posting this week is newly stitched
all the patchwork was done over the summer
as I clean up the sewing room I put different
patches on the wall to "admire"
the only time I felt well enough to do anything
this week was late on Thurs
when I cleaned and organized a bit...
I was glad to get back to work last night
glad we were slow though!
by Pumpkin Thyme Patterns
oooh...saw this on Pinterest a while ago
need to find someone to make me one!

I've gathered up a box of wooly worms
that need a new home with a happy hooker...
Leave a comment on this post
with a caption for the above photo
for your chance to win...
one per person
by 6 pm EST on Labor Day
lower 48 US residents only please
the box is packed and ready to ship
as I'm heading for the post office Tuesday with some
other packages
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Olivia is acting normal
no sign of the floss yet...
guess it was the mint flavor she couldn't resist
Haha...I have the perfect caption but I don't need any wooly worms. So I will wait to see what everyone else comes up with. ~grin~
By the loving all your work. Churn dashes being my fave! Hope you start feeling better! xo
My caption for the picture would be: 'Hey, I was here first!"
Love your quilt blocks.
We TOLD you to wear something different!
"We've told you once and we'll tell you again, being a hooker is NOT a bad thing!"
My Annie loves to eat stringy things, too. I have chased her while she is eating woolly worms. She has eaten a few and let me just say, they can wreak havoc!
BTW...I'm sure your worms are wonderful, but I need to use what I have and not add to And don't forget, the PO is closed on Monday.
Pug hugs :)
"DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT poop on that old woman's cloak one more time! She will boil us all in that cauldron of hers!". Can't have too many woolly worms! Send 'em on!
"There is a HUGE sale on wool with crazy stoopid low prices! We have to go and we have to go early!!!"
Kelley, I hope you continue to heal and feel better... and craftier soon! And I'm so glad to hear Olivia didn't have anything bad with the dental floss eatin'. <3
No worms for me, my worm farm is full for winter. ;) My caption is "Pecking Order, I'll give you Pecking Order!" tee here. Jo
"I want the worms, NO I want the worms, No no I want the worms!!!!"
I really do want the
Love your little blocks. Happy Labor Day!
Do my tonsils look red?
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
So glad to hear Olivia's okay, so far, and that you are feeling better!
I love your patches, Kelley! What a perfect way to decorate and inspire!
"He/she who dies the most worms wins. And I will win!" Don't know if they are talking about real worms or wooly worms, but it's a cute photo.
I'm just finishing a rug using a lot of someone else's worms. I have learned SO much from using them. Color combinations/textures/etc.
"How many times do I have to tell you.....the wool worms are for HOOKING, not eating!"
Me first!
" And you won't believe what she said next"...
I would love to win your worms.
Thanks for a chance.
"What do you mean you FORGOT to tell him it was a black tie affair??!"
Sorry....not my best, but either my brain or my humor (or both) is on vacation today. :o
Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
"She said she was sorry, now let it go!"
As you know ---- I am a CROW!
The crow with his mouth wide open is my cousin Scottie Crow! He's saying "Yes, there will be a reunion in 2014. The world is not ending in December 2012. Those Mayans were nuts!!!!!"
If you knew know this is a true statement. LOL.
Kelley - remember when Lucy Poocey ate the wool strip, 9-11-2002? She had to have life saving surgery! If it's "stringy" ---- it just does not lay around my house. I can't afford to have my little Charley down sick. I sure hope Olivia passes the floss on her own. If it gets stuck ---- you're in for some troubling times.
I sure hope this won't be the case. For BOTH your sakes!
"Oh horsefeathers - you know that's just heresay!"
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