Saturday, May 25, 2019

Pinterest Diversion

in case you couldn't tell by my
years of dithering about painting
it's not something I enjoy

mostly because I don't like to get my hands dirty
having to wear gloves so much at work
avoiding them is something I do at home

but once I get started I want to paint everything
so now the frame
around the kitchen window will be painted
white or green...

I am not very handy
to say the least
YouTube videos are a real help to me
this morning I did a small dry wall patch!

I know I have this pattern
or one very similar

maybe by Kay Cloud
seeing this pic makes me think maybe some of my 
cotton velvet might finally get used

have been working in the sewing room 
between priming and painting duties
feeling the need for some large blue and red berries

hoping this fall to get the catio built
I'd like enough room for a little table and a couple of chairs
as well as plenty of landings for the cats
my favorite is a space built for 2 cats
with cerebellar hypoplasia
(wobbly cat syndrome)
by Catio Spaces...

my sister and her husband are home sweet home
happy to take care of all their plants
fill the bird feeders 
and nap in their own bed

One more day of vacation
it goes so fast


marly said...

I NEED THAT PATTERN!!! OMG! I searched and found a bowl of birdless berries but I'll take whatever I can get. Relax and rest on your last day off.

Saundra said...

Enjoy your last few days of 'vacation' but know you will be so pleased with your work when you arrive home from the day job the first day.

Rugs and Pugs said...

I need some of your energy. You accomplished so much! Congrats.

WoolenSails said...

I hate painting, or actually I hate moving things around to paint, lol.
My house is a mess and I know we have to do it. A catio sounds fun, Izzy loves sitting in the windows now but Moki prefers the cool cellar.


Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Kelley,
I always get my "kitty fix" when I come for a visit!! You have the best photos of kitties and I just love them!!!!
Sounds like you are still keeping busy and I know it always feels so good to get a project finished!!!
I love that pattern, too, and Yes, it is a Kay Cloud design!! I'm making some as well!!! LOVE STRAWBERRIES AND BIRDS!!!!
Take care and have a great week, my busy friend!!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo

TheCrankyCrow said...

I have begun to rely on YouTube a great deal as well....but painting is something I will not do.... I always had more paint on me and things that weren’t to be painted than on what was to be painted. Now, though, looking up makes me lose my balance, so it’s a no-go on all accounts. I would love a catio....but no place to add it....and we’d likely only be able to use it a month or two a year with our weather. Love the birds and berries....and all things velvety LOL.... ~Robin~