Saturday, May 4, 2019

YouTube rug hooking

I've been puttering around the house today
listening to and watching
Cindi Gay on YouTube

even an experience hooker
can learn something new all the time

do you watch YT videos?
seems a lot of folks watch floss tube
any recommendations?

my favorite is Taco Stacks
he scraps, sells at flea markets and online
something different than creating


WoolenSails said...

I do enjoy watching videos, have found ones for playing the flute and mixed media, nice to watch and learn by seeing things done, instead of reading, which i forget as soon as I get to the next line, lol.


3millplainrd said...

I watch Flosstube every day because I don't like TV much, unless something good is on PBS. I should watch Cindy Gay more often though. She says rug warp is best for hooking, what do you think? I don't have it, have never even seen it.

Rosemary said...

Love Priscilla and Chelsea on floss tube

TheCrankyCrow said...

I try to stay away from YouTube and FlossTube as much as possible....because, like Pinterest, it seems to be a rabbit hole I can’t crawl out of once I fall in.... Hours later I look up and wonder what the heck it was that I went on there to look for in the first place. I do, however, watch one FlossTube channel with some regularity.....that’s it...and I am limiting to that LOL.... ~Robin~ said...

I'm signed up with Cindi's Youtube presentations but have yet to join in. Thanks for the reminder!