Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day dear friends!

I am blessed to sleep under the quilts
my mom hand stitched and feel her love

to stitch my own quilts and feel her with me
the memories of shopping for fabric

A day of tears and smiles


NMK said...

Love this beautiful quilt …..I feel your sadness , my Mother made pretty quilts all cut by hand , stitched & quilted in perfect tiny little stitches …
.they are very special to me too . We were lucky to have a talented Mom's who left us such special gifts to cherish .

Simply Quaint said...

Beautiful quilt.......beautiful memories......


WoolenSails said...

It is a hard day and hard when we have lost those we loved, but a good day to remember them with a smile.


Deirdre said...

Thank you Kelley, yes a day of tears and smiles.

Rugs and Pugs said...

How lucky you are to have quilts made by your mom. Blessed treasures.
That tiny quilt is wonderful. Is it yours?
Mom's sure are missed.

Saundra said...

I remember when you would give your mom pieces of fabric for her and her friend to work with. That provided lots of entertainment for them and should be another fond memory of how you provided love to your mom. Am sure you miss her but you have those beautiful quilts she made as remembrance.

Donna G. said...

Pretty quilt. Even though my mom is still physically with me, dementia has taken alot of her away. I also had both tears and smiles.

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Kelley,
Those kitties in your header are just precious and a wonderful picture of a deep love! So happy you have your amazing quilts to remind you of your dear mom and hope all those special memories will lift your heart!
Love the little quilt, too!! So very sweet!!
Heart Hugs to you, my friend~
Julie xo

Jacqueline said...

Yes, a day of tears and memories.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Yes....a day of tears and smiles.... I am with Donna.... Damn dementia.... Here, but so, so, far away. Treasure your quilts and your memories. XOXO ~Robin~