Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May Vacation

Millenium Garden pattern by Jan Patek

my NC sister is here and she brought a few boxes
of older quilt books for me to sell
many out of print

She did bring the set of patterns for this quilt
Mom stitched it for me from Jan's kit
a real favorite
like the good sister I am
I've lent it to Deb until next year

I'm probably going to list them on 
a quilter's destash group on FB
unless anyone would like to see them here

I will make sure my prices are lower
than anywhere else online
but will charge actual shipping...

In other news
I have been busy doing work around the house
preparing for my sister and her husband
they arrived Monday afternoon
we already have my list of needed chores done
plus many I forgot about

my local and her husband where here yesterday 
and this morning helping out

a few things we got done:

tearing out old shrubs, covering area with mulch
trimming bushes, weeding, gathering sticks
sealing concrete cracks and outdoor painting
moving large furniture to a back room for donation pick up
removing curtain rods and ordering blinds

taking down shelves, mirrors and assorted wall mounted items
spackle and wipe down walls
filled in ground hog and chipmunk holes
washed windows, put screens in doors

and so much more
if I had done this all myself half would
never get done

We also did a huge Lowe's haul
I'll be painting all year
tomorrow I'm treating everyone to a "swanky restaurant" lunch
my local sister turned 70 this year
so I found out where her favorite meal was...

they don't stay long but we pack a lot in

this afternoon is my NC brother in laws day "off"
he and my sister visit all their favorite places
dinner together tonight

she's already chosen a few hooked rugs to take back
he picked some tools from the garage

I'm on vacation until Monday
they leave before dawn on Friday
one of these days I might
make it to NC

Hope you're all having a great week!
there has been no hooking or stitching to speak of...


Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Kelley,
Oh my goodness, I almost need to take a rest from just reading about ALL you got done!!!! WOW!!!! It certainly doesn't sound like a vacation to me, but I'm sure it feels fantastic to get all those things checked off the list!!
Glad you are rewarding yourselves!!!!
Hope you can make a trip to NC sometime in the near future, too!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, my friend!! High praise from you, and I am honored!!!
Enjoy the rest of your family time and have a great week!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo

Sue Swank said...

Sounds like you've been very busy. A good busy.
I would like to see you book selection. Thanks.

marly said...

Do you rent out these relatives?

Enjoy your week!

acorn hollow said...

But you have been very productive it has to feel good to get that all done.

Saundra said...

Hope Deb will send it back finished by this time next year. You're very luck to have friend and folk who have your back to help. You'll need them even more as you age. I could hardly walk this morning after pulling weeds, trimming limbs, etc. Wish they had been with me then.

Jacqueline said...

Glad you had so much help. Wish I had relatives like that. Enjoy the rest of your time with family and a long weekend to rest.

Dorothy said...

I do hope you’ll offer your patterns here.
I love the quilt you have shown .
There are so many lovely quilts that can’t be sourced any longer
so I always appreciate people that sell them.
Have fun with your visitors?

Simply Quaint said...

how wonderful to have them help you get all that accomplished, you’ll be thrilled once it’s done.....😀


NMK said...

Oh my gosh sure accomplished a lot !!! I wouldn't be able to move the following day !!! Enjoy your company ! Happy Memorial Day weekend !!!

Angelika said...

It would be lovely to see some of the old quilt patterns here; I like the old ones best. In the UK we can only admire them from a distance, they are not normally sold here. It is a very rare treat to be able to buy some of the very old patterns.

Rugs and Pugs said...

Wow! That's a huge list of accomplishments. I have a big list, too, but nothing has been crossed of...sigh.

WoolenSails said...

You all got a lot done and I am glad they are there for a visit and helping out so much. It will be nice for you to have things done and be able to enjoy the house more. I really think you need to visit them and enjoy something different for yourself, are they close to the beach, or inland. I know I need a real vacation, but hard with Moki being on daily shots.


lynda said...

Please list them here!! I'd love that pattern!!
You are so lucky to have a close family! I have two hasn't talked to me in a year and a half. The other is several states away..we get together when we can.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Holy cats! That would take several years around here to get that much accomplished LOL. You and your siblings and “IL”’s are going to need vacations from your vacations. And I’ll do better than Marly’s “rent-a-relative” about a trade? I’m even willing to do 2 for 1??? ;-). North Carolina is in my top 5 states to visit.... Everything I’ve seen looks so beautiful. And the more I think about it, now would be a good time to visit....our weather is just so much stink here...cold, wet, and windy. (Yes, even windier than usual). But I know it could be worse, so I will shut my pie hole. ~Robin~