Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cat Attitudes

this one would never happen here!
the dish might be empty
but they'd never replace me...
would they?
this would be Melrose
they often hang out in the bedroom together
if I look in
this is what happens

this one is me

the both of them
Olivia standing on me
licking my face or pretend biting it
Melrose tapping me with his paw
this morning was another raking day
pulling weeds
pondering a retaining wall that needs repair
and I the blisters to prove it


marly said...

Sounds like you are well on your way to having chores done before summer. Aren't these season changes time consuming work?

Rugs and Pugs said...

The joys of home ownership! There is ALWAYS something that needs done.
Hugs :)

annie said...

kitty control!! :)