Sunday, May 29, 2022

A Fresh Start

 Here's the story on this rug...

I hadn't felt like hooking in ages
oh, I could do one here or there for an animal shelter auction
then even that became too exhausting

yes, the depression had sunk into my bones
I went to work
came home and looked at the walls
repeat nearly endlessly

then my formerly hooker now quilter
friend Jacque offered up a rug/wool to me
for the price of shipping
she had started it
 knew she didn't want to finish
don't even ask the size
but it's a large rug

it wasn't my style or colors
yet how could I resist

she basically had the center star and a small part
of the background completed
I went way off the rails
according to the drawn pattern
but boy did I have fun

I hooked and hooked
falling in love with hooking again
will I finish it or will I cannibalize the wool
and use the linen for a different rug
time will tell

Found this image on Pinterest
from a Lexana hook in

Stars and Fans
by Pine Island Primitives


NMK said...

Love how you are hooking this beautiful rug ....the different borders , the colors , just looks like it is fun to hook ! What a treasure !!! So happy you have found so much Joy in rug hooking again . Love everything you hook !!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I love your interpretation of this!! Please do finish are so very close! And it will have such special meaning each time you look at it (so, yes, display it too!) Thank you friend for us.... ~Robin~ said...

Your version is primitive fun!! Just great! Hooking helps get me through depression periods. If anything really does. I think it’s the creativity process that reminds my brain there is hope out there. ♥️